Here you can find our news. Sometimes there may be newer articles on our German blog that have not yet been translated. if you’re curious, you can read them using google translate or any another translation tool.

Before and after

We use the time between the years to review our construction work on Rihula. The before and after comparison shows how much we have achieved this year!

Ready for take-off and farewell

After more than four weeks of work, our construction has come to an end. The group completes the last construction sites, prepares the yard for the winter break and for next year and reviews the past month over a few kilograms of scrap metal. Goodbye, Estonia!

Final spurt: The last shift takes over

Our group on Rihula is slowly shrinking and the tent city on the meadow is getting smaller as well. After the departure of Tobias, Rüdiger and Bettina, whom we bid farewell with our well-practiced farewell ceremony, there are only seven of us left on the farm. Nevertheless, this doesn't stop us from tackling and completing other construction sites.

It's getting busy again

After another productivity boost, the main house is finally free of plaster. Great progress is also being made on the barn roof. While Bettina shovels sand out of the loft, Rüdiger and Lionel are in their element: gardening! There is also a praise for the kitchen!

We have a bank account!

It's a bit crazy. We founded our association over a year ago and today we finally have a bank account. Why did it take so long? You certainly don't want to know that exactly, because that would be a rather long and complicated story. Here's the short version: ...