Final spurt: The last shift takes over
Our group on Rihula is slowly shrinking and the tent city on the meadow is getting smaller as well. After the departure of Tobias, Rüdiger and Bettina, whom we bid farewell with our well-practiced farewell ceremony, there are only seven of us left on the farm.
Nevertheless, this doesn’t stop us from tackling and completing other construction sites. We can now cross the permanent construction site of green cuttings off the list after the last branches of the thuja hedge, larch and spruce are heaved onto the green cuttings mountain.
Tobias and Jakob also manage to hammer the last nail into the barn roof before the weekend. We are very happy and relieved that this large construction site is almost completed now, only the scaffolding still needs to be dismantled.
But that’s not all on the barn, since the north side facing the earth cellar is also rotten and Tobias and Jakob are therefore putting on a new base for the corner post. The slope at the earth cellar is also secured with the cinema screen (coincidentally a sheet of geotextile) so that the next rain doesn’t wash the earth against the barn wall again.
Progress is also made in the main house: In the room damaged by water, the floor is being ripped out. Only two of the four beams under the floor are broken…
In the room next door, Jorge takes up three floorboards for ventilation and the beams underneath still seem…, well they’re not broken. Furthermore, the first parts of the linoleum floor have been torn out of the kitchen. As already predicted, this part is particularly affected by moisture.
On Saturday afternoon, Jorge, Lola, Tobias and Lionel pay Marju a visit to help Georg with the firewood in the forest. We seize the opportunity and, at Georg’s suggestion, cut four new beams for the room with water damage from spruce trees already dried in the forest. Lola also takes part in pressing excellent fresh apple juice and we renew ourselves in the sauna, leaving the sweat of the last few days there.
Finally, we celebrate not only the first completely work-free Sunday, but also Jorge’s birthday. Mille, Vera and Jakob bake a fantastic, colorful pancake cake and all of us enjoy the opportunity to let our souls dangle.
Meanwhile, Jorge, Tobias, Lola and Lionel collect chanterelles. Jorge is very happy about the cake and later about the delicious chanterelle cream sauce!
Unfortunately, Lola now has to finally leave after supporting us again for the last three days. We are now a really small group and there are only six of us left for the last few days. But with our unbroken motivation, next week can come! See you soon!